
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
00003 // Used by ibrowser_intres.rc
00004 //
00005 #define IDS_TITLE                       1
00006 #define IDS_EMPTY                       13
00007 #define IDS_ABOUT_IBROWSER              27
00008 #define IDI_REACTOS                     100
00009 #define IDB_TOOLBAR                     103
00010 #define IDA_IBROWSER                    104
00011 #define IDM_SDIFRAME                    113
00012 #define IDD_ABOUT_IBROWSER              135
00013 #define IDI_FAVORITES                   140
00014 #define IDI_DOT                         163
00015 #define IDI_DOT_TRANS                   164
00016 #define IDI_DOT_RED                     165
00017 #define IDI_IBROWSER                    169
00018 #define ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR               503
00019 #define ID_VIEW_TOOL_BAR                508
00020 #define ID_VIEW_SIDE_BAR                510
00021 #define IDC_ROS_IBROWSER                1000
00022 #define IDC_WWW                         1012
00023 #define IDC_VERSION_TXT                 1029
00024 #define IDC_WIN_VERSION                 1030
00025 #define ID_REFRESH                      1704
00026 #define IDS_VERSION_STR                 5000
00027 #define IDS_IBROWSER_VERSION_STR        5001
00028 #define ID_IBROWSER_FAQ                 10002
00029 #define ID_VIEW_FULLSCREEN              0x8004
00030 #define ID_ABOUT_WINDOWS                40002
00031 #define ID_ABOUT_IBROWSER               40003
00032 #define ID_GO_BACK                      40005
00033 #define ID_GO_FORWARD                   40006
00034 #define ID_GO_HOME                      40007
00035 #define ID_GO_SEARCH                    40008
00036 #define ID_GO_UP                        40009
00037 #define ID_STOP                         40010
00038 #define ID_FILE_OPEN                    0xE140
00039 #define ID_FILE_EXIT                    0xE141
00040 #define ID_HELP                         0xE146
00041 #define IDC_STATIC                      -1
00043 // Next default values for new objects
00044 // 
00047 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        170
00048 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40024
00049 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1033
00050 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101
00051 #endif
00052 #endif

IBrowser Source Code Documentation
generated on 18.09.2008 by doxygen
