Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.AbstractXMLNodeAbstractXMLNode is the base class of XMLNode and XMLStreamNode
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLNode.AttributeMapAttributeMap is a sorted map of attributes, used to prevent type cast warning in assign()
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLNode.ChildrenChildren contains the list of immediate child nodes
de.mfuchs.Example1Example for writing and reading a XML file
de.mfuchs.Example2Example to use XMLStorage for writing and reading XML files containing numbers
de.mfuchs.Example3Example to use XMLStorage for writing and reading XML files
Iterable is used to hold state information when moving between nodes
de.mfuchs.WriterTestExample for using XMLStreamWriter
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLBoolXMLBool is a type converter for boolean data
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLBoolRefXMLBoolRef is a type converter for boolean data with write access
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLChildrenFilterXMLChildrenFilter provides iterator access to XMLStorage child nodes with name filtering
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLDocXMLDoc works as XML document holder
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLDocReaderXMLDocReader is the XML file reader of XMLStorage
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLFilterIterator< T extends AbstractXMLNode >XMLFilterIterator<T> is used by XMLChildrenFilter and XMLStreamFilter to filter node iterations
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLHeaderXMLHeader manages the content of XML file headers
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLHelperXMLHelper converts XML string literals
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLIntXMLInt is a type converter for integer data
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLIntRefXMLIntRef is a type converter for integer data with write access
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLMessageXML message wrapper is used as a shortcut to create a XMLDoc containing a named XML node
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLNodeXMLNode is the in memory representation of an XML node in the XMLStorage library
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLNumberXMLNumber is the type converter for numeric data in XMLStorage
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLNumberRefXMLNumberRef is a type converter for numeric data with write access
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLPosXMLPos is the iterator for XML trees in XMLStorage provides iterator access to XMLStorage child nodes with name filtering iterates over the immediate children of the current XML node is used to hold the data of the current XML Node in XMLStreamReader is the streaming XML file reader of XMLStorage is used to write XML streams in XMLStorage
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLStringXMLString is used convenient attribute data access in XMLNodes
de.mfuchs.xmlstorage.XMLStringRefXMLStringRef is used to provide write access to XML attribute values
de.mfuchs.XMLTestExamples used as tests for XMLStorage