Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
XMLStorage::AbstractXMLNodeAbstractXMLNode is the base class of XMLNode and XMLStreamNode
XMLStorage::XMLNode::ChildrenChildren contains the list of immediate child nodes
Example1Example for writing and reading a XML file
Example2Example to use XMLStorage for writing and reading XML files containing numbers
Example3Example to use XMLStorage for writing and reading XML files
XMLStorage::XMLStreamWriter::StackEntryStackEntry is used to hold state information when moving between nodes
WriterTestExample for using XMLStreamWriter
XMLStorage::XMLBoolXMLBool is a type converter for boolean data
XMLStorage::XMLBoolRefXMLBoolRef is a type converter for bool data with write access
XMLStorage::XMLChildrenFilterXMLChildrenFilter provides iterator access to XMLStorage child nodes with name filtering
XMLStorage::XMLDecimalXMLNumber is the type converter for numeric data in XMLStorage
XMLStorage::XMLDocXMLDoc works as XML document holder
XMLStorage::XMLDocReaderXMLDocReader is the XML file reader of XMLStorage
XMLStorage::XMLDoubleXMLDouble is a type converter for numeric data
XMLStorage::XMLDoubleRefXMLDoubleRef is a type converter for numeric data with write access
XMLStorage::XMLHeaderXMLHeader manages the content of XML file headers
XMLStorage::XMLHelperXMLHelpder converts XML string literals
XMLStorage::XMLIntXMLInt is a type converter for integer data
XMLStorage::XMLIntRefXMLIntRef is a type converter for integer data with write access
XMLStorage::XMLMessageXML message wrapper is used as a shortcut to create a XMLDoc containing a named XML node
XMLStorage::XMLNodeXMLNode is the in memory representation of an XML node in the XMLStorage library
XMLStorage::XMLNumberRefXMLNumberRef is a type converter for numeric data with write access
XMLStorage::XMLPosXMLPos is the iterator for XML trees in XMLStorage
XMLStorage::XMLStreamNodeXMLStreamNode is used to hold the data of the current XML Node in XMLStreamReader
XMLStorage::XMLStreamReaderXMLStreamReader is the streaming XML file reader of XMLStorage
XMLStorage::XMLStreamWriterXMLStreamWriter is used to Write XML streams in XMLStorage
XMLStorage::XMLStringXMLString is used convenient attribute data access in XMLNodes
XMLStorage::XMLStringRefXMLStringRef is used to provide write access to XML attribute values
XMLTestExamples used as tests for XMLStorage